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Chalk SDK Reference

Features define the data that you want to compute and store. Your features are defined as Python classes that look like dataclasses. For example:

from chalk.features import features, DataFrame
class CreditCard:
   id: int
   user_id: ""
   limit: float
class User:
   id: int
   name: str
   email: str
   credit_cards: DataFrame[CreditCard]
   total_limit: float = _.credit_cards[_.limit].sum()

Features can be nested, as with credit_cards above. In this section, we'll dive into API components that make up the building blocks of features.

Chalk lets you spell out your features directly in Python.

Features are namespaced to a FeatureSet. To create a new FeatureSet, apply the @features decorator to a Python class with typed attributes. A FeatureSet is constructed and functions much like Python's own dataclass.

owner: = None

The individual or team responsible for these features. The Chalk Dashboard will display this field, and alerts can be routed to owners.

tags: = None

Added metadata for features for use in filtering, aggregations, and visualizations. For example, you can use tags to assign features to a team and find all features for a given team.

When True, Chalk copies this feature into the online environment when it is computed in offline resolvers. Setting etl_offline_to_online on a feature class assigns it to all features on the class which do not explicitly specify etl_offline_to_online.

When a feature is expensive or slow to compute, you may wish to cache its value. Chalk uses the terminology "maximum staleness" to describe how recently a feature value needs to have been computed to be returned without re-running a resolver. Assigning a max_staleness to the feature class assigns it to all features on the class which do not explicitly specify a max_staleness value of their own.

Other Parameters
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Type[T] | None
= None
name: = None
singleton: = False
class User:
    id: str
    # Comments here appear in the web!
    # :tags: pii
    name: str | None
    # :owner:
    location: LatLng

Add metadata and configuration to a feature.

owner: = None

You may also specify which person or group is responsible for a feature. The owner tag will be available in Chalk's web portal. Alerts that do not otherwise have an owner will be assigned to the owner of the monitored feature. Read more at Owner

from chalk.features import features, feature
from datetime import date
class User:
    id: str
    # :owner:
    name: str
    dob: date = feature(owner="")
tags: = None

Add metadata to a feature for use in filtering, aggregations, and visualizations. For example, you can use tags to assign features to a team and find all features for a given team. Read more at Tags

from chalk.features import features, feature
class User:
    id: str
    # :tags: pii
    name: str
    dob: date = feature(tags=["pii"])
version: = None

The maximum version for a feature. Versioned features can be referred to with the @ operator:

class User:
    id: str
    score: int = feature(version=2)
str(User.score @ 2)

See more at Versioning

The default version for a feature. When you reference a versioned feature without the @ operator, you reference the default_version. Set to 1 by default.

class User:
    id: str
    score: int = feature(version=2, default_version=2)

See more at Default versions

... | Duration | None
= ...

When a feature is expensive or slow to compute, you may wish to cache its value. Chalk uses the terminology "maximum staleness" to describe how recently a feature value needs to have been computed to be returned without re-running a resolver. Read more at Caching

When True (default), Chalk will cache all values, including nulls.

When False, Chalk will not update the null entry in the cache.

When "evict_nulls", Chalk will evict the entry that would have been null from the cache, if it exists.

Concretely, suppose the current state of a database is {a: 1, b: 2}, and you write a row {a: 2, b: None}. Here is the expected result in the db:

  • {a: 2, b: None} when cache_nulls=True (default)
  • {a: 2, b: 2} when cache_nulls=False
  • {a: 2} when cache_nulls="evict_nulls"

When True (default), Chalk will cache all values, including default values.

When False, Chalk will not update the default entry in the cache.

When "evict_defaults", Chalk will evict the entry that would have been a default value from the cache, if it exists.

Concretely, suppose the current state of a database is {a: 1, b: 2}, and you write a row {a: 2, b: "default"}, and the default value for feature b is "default". Here is the expected result in the db:

  • {a: 2, b: "default"} when cache_defaults=True
  • {a: 2, b: 2} when cache_defaults=False
  • {a: 2} when cache_defaults="evict_defaults"

The cache_nulls and cache_defaults options can be used together on the same feature with the following exceptions: if cache_nulls=False, then cache_defaults cannot be "evict_defaults", and if cache_nulls="evict_defaults", then cache_defaults cannot be False.

When True, Chalk copies this feature into the online environment when it is computed in offline resolvers. Read more at Reverse ETL

_TRich | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x >= min.

from chalk.features import features, feature
class User:
    id: str
    fico_score: int = feature(min=300, max=850)
_TRich | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x <= max.

from chalk.features import features, feature
class User:
    id: str
    fico_score: int = feature(min=300, max=850)
min_length: = None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that len(x) >= min_length.

from chalk.features import features, feature
class User:
    id: str
    name: str = feature(min_length=1)
max_length: = None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that len(x) <= max_length.

from chalk.features import features, feature
class User:
    id: str
    name: str = feature(min_length=1000)
strict: = False

If True, if this feature does not meet the validation criteria, Chalk will not persist the feature value and will treat it as failed.

A list of validations to apply to this feature. Generally, max, min, max_length, and min_length are more convenient, but the parameter strict applies to all of those parameters. Use this parameter if you want to mix strict and non-strict validations.

The backing pyarrow.DataType for the feature. This parameter can be used to control the storage format of data. For example, if you have a lot of data that could be represented as smaller data types, you can use this parameter to save space.

import pyarrow as pa
class WatchEvent:
    id: str
    duration_hours: float = feature(dtype=pa.float8())
_TRich | ...
= ...

The default value of the feature if it otherwise can't be computed. If you don't need to specify other metadata, you can also assign a default in the same way you would assign a default to a dataclass:

from chalk.features import features
class User:
    num_purchases: int = 0

An underscore expression for defining the feature. Typically, this value is assigned directly to the feature without needing to use the feature(...) function. However, if you want to define other properties, like a default or max_staleness, you'll want to use the expression keyword argument.

from chalk.features import features
from chalk import _
class Receipt:
    subtotal: int
    tax: int = 0  # Default value, without other metadata
    total: int = feature(expression=_.subtotal +, default=0)

See more at Expressions

deprecated: = False

If True, this feature is considered deprecated, which impacts the dashboard, alerts, and warnings.

from chalk.features import features, feature
class User:
    id: str
    name: str = feature(deprecated=True)
Other Parameters
Show All
description: = None
name: = None
primary: = None
TEncoder[_TPrim, _TRich] | None
= None
TDecoder[_TPrim, _TRich] | None
= None
... | Duration | None
= ...

The type of the input feature, given by _TRich.

from chalk.features import Primary, features, feature
class User:
    uid: Primary[int]
    # Uses a default value of 0 when one cannot be computed.
    num_purchases: int = 0
    # Description of the name feature.
    # :owner:
    # :tags: fraud, credit
    name: str = feature(
    score: int = feature(
        version=2, default_version=2

Specify a feature that represents a one-to-one relationship.

This function allows you to explicitly specify a join condition between two @features classes. When there is only one way to join two classes, we recommend using the foreign-key definition instead of this has_one function. For example, if you have a User class and a Card class, and each user has one card, you can define the Card and User classes as follows:

class User
    id: str
class Card
    id: str
    user: User

However, if User has two cards (say, a primary and secondary), the foreign key syntax cannot be used to define the relationship, and you should use the has_one function.

Read more at Has One


The join condition between @feature classes. This argument is callable to allow for forward references to members of this class and the joined class.

from chalk.features import DataFrame, features
class Card
    id: str
    user_id: str
    balance: float
class User
    id: str
    card: Card = has_one(
        lambda: == Card.user_id

Specify a feature that represents a one-to-many relationship.


The join condition between @features classes. This argument is callable to allow for forward references to members of this class and the joined class.

Duration | None | ...
= ...

The maximum staleness of the joined feature. The items in the joined feature aggregate, storing the latest values of the joined feature for each primary key in the joined feature.

from chalk.features import DataFrame, features
class Card
    id: str
    user_id: str
    balance: float
class User
    id: str
    cards: DataFrame[Card] = has_many(
        lambda: == Card.user_id

The function after can be used with DataFrame to compute windowed features.

after filters a DataFrame relative to the current time in context, such that if the after filter is defined as now - {time_window}, the filter will include all features with timestamps t where now - {time_window} <= t <= now. This time could be in the past if you’re using an offline resolver. Using window functions ensures that you maintain point-in-time correctness.

The parameters to after take many keyword arguments describing the time relative to the present.


Number of days ago.

Number of hours ago.

Number of minutes ago.

Number of seconds ago.

index: = None

The feature to use for the filter. By default, index is the FeatureTime of the referenced feature class.

Other Parameters
Show All
weeks_ago: = 0

A filter for the DataFrame.

from chalk.features import DataFrame, features
class Card:
class User:
    cards: DataFrame[Card][after(hours_ago=1, minutes_ago=30)]

The function before can be used with DataFrame to compute windowed features.

before filters a DataFrame relative to the current time in context such that if the before filter is defined as now - {time_window}, the filter will include all features with timestamps t where t <= now - {time_window}. This time could be in the past if you’re using an offline resolver. Using window functions ensures that you maintain point-in-time correctness.

The parameters to before take many keyword arguments describing the time relative to the present.


Number of days ago.

Number of hours ago.

Number of minutes ago.

Number of seconds ago.

index: = None

The feature to use for the filter. By default, index is the FeatureTime of the referenced feature class.

Other Parameters
Show All
weeks_ago: = 0

A filter for a DataFrame.

from chalk.features import DataFrame, features
class Card:
class User:
    cards: DataFrame[Card][before(hours_ago=1, minutes_ago=30)]

Declare a windowed feature.


class User:
    failed_logins: Windowed[int] = windowed("10m", "24h")

Create a windowed feature.

See more at Windowed Aggregations

buckets: = ()

The size of the buckets for the window function. Buckets are specified as strings in the format "1d", "2h", "1h30m", etc. You may also choose to specify the buckets using the days, hours, and minutes parameters instead. The buckets parameter is helpful if you want to use multiple units to express the bucket size, like "1h30m".

Convenience parameter for specifying the buckets in days. Using this parameter is equvalent to specifying the buckets parameter with a string like "1d".

Convenience parameter for specifying the buckets in hours. Using this parameter is equvalent to specifying the buckets parameter with a string like "1h".

Convenience parameter for specifying the buckets in minutes. Using this parameter is equvalent to specifying the buckets parameter with a string like "1m".

owner: = None

You may also specify which person or group is responsible for a feature. The owner tag will be available in Chalk's web portal. Alerts that do not otherwise have an owner will be assigned to the owner of the monitored feature.

tags: = None

Add metadata to a feature for use in filtering, aggregations, and visualizations. For example, you can use tags to assign features to a team and find all features for a given team.

TRich | ...
= ...

The default value of the feature if it otherwise can't be computed.

Duration | ... | None
= ...

When a feature is expensive or slow to compute, you may wish to cache its value. Chalk uses the terminology "maximum staleness" to describe how recently a feature value needs to have been computed to be returned without re-running a resolver.

See more at Caching

Duration | ... | None
= ...

Sets a maximum age for values eligible to be retrieved from the offline store, defined in relation to the query's current point-in-time.

version: = None

Feature versions allow you to manage a feature as its definition changes over time.

The version keyword argument allows you to specify the maximum number of versions available for this feature.

See more at Versioning

When True, Chalk copies this feature into the online environment when it is computed in offline resolvers.

See more at Reverse ETL

TRich | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x >= min.

TRich | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x <= max.

min_length: = None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that len(x) >= min_length.

max_length: = None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that len(x) <= max_length.

strict: = False

If True, if this feature does not meet the validation criteria, Chalk will not persist the feature value and will treat it as failed.

A list of Validations to apply to this feature.

See more at

The expression to compute the feature. This is an underscore expression, like _.transactions[_.amount].sum().

Configuration for aggregating data. Pass bucket_duration with a Duration to configure the bucket size for aggregation. If True, each of the windows will use a bucket duration equal to its window duration.

See more at

Other Parameters
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description: = None
name: = None
TEncoder[TPrim, TRich] | None
= None
TDecoder[TPrim, TRich] | None
= None
dtype: = None

Metadata for the windowed feature, parameterized by TPrim (the primitive type of the feature) and TRich (the decoded type of the feature, if decoder is provided).

from chalk import windowed, Windowed
class User:
    id: int
    email_count: Windowed[int] = windowed(days=range(1, 30))
    logins: Windowed[int] = windowed("10m", "1d", "30d")

Create a windowed feature with grouping.

See more at

buckets: = ()

The size of the buckets for the window function. Buckets are specified as strings in the format "1d", "2h", "1h30m", etc. You may also choose to specify the buckets using the days, hours, and minutes parameters instead. The buckets parameter is helpful if you want to use multiple units to express the bucket size, like "1h30m".

The expression to compute the feature. This is an underscore expression, like _.transactions[_.amount].sum().

Configuration for aggregating data. Pass bucket_duration with a Duration to configure the bucket size for aggregation.

See more at

Convenience parameter for specifying the buckets in days. Using this parameter is equvalent to specifying the buckets parameter with a string like "1d".

Convenience parameter for specifying the buckets in hours. Using this parameter is equvalent to specifying the buckets parameter with a string like "1h".

Convenience parameter for specifying the buckets in minutes. Using this parameter is equvalent to specifying the buckets parameter with a string like "1m".

owner: = None

You may also specify which person or group is responsible for a feature. The owner tag will be available in Chalk's web portal. Alerts that do not otherwise have an owner will be assigned to the owner of the monitored feature.

tags: = None

Add metadata to a feature for use in filtering, aggregations, and visualizations. For example, you can use tags to assign features to a team and find all features for a given team.

TRich | ...
= ...

The default value of the feature if it otherwise can't be computed.

TRich | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x >= min.

TRich | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x <= max.

strict: = False

If True, if this feature does not meet the validation criteria, Chalk will not persist the feature value and will treat it as failed.

The backing pyarrow.DataType for the feature. This parameter can be used to control the storage format of data. For example, if you have a lot of data that could be represented as smaller data types, you can use this parameter to save space.

import pyarrow as pa
from chalk.features import features
class User:
    id: str
    email_count: Windowed[int] = windowed(
        "10m", "30m",
Other Parameters
Show All
description: = None
name: = None
from chalk import group_by_windowed, DataFrame
from chalk.features import features
class Email:
    id: int
    user_id: ""
class User:
    id: int
    emails: DataFrame[Email]
    emails_by_category: DataFrame = group_by_windowed(
        "10m", "30m",

Configuration for window aggregates. At least one of bucket_duration and bucket_durations must be provided.

If both are provided, bucket_duration acts as a default for the window materialization, which may be overridden by bucket_duration.


The duration of each bucket in the window, using a chalk.Duration string, e.g. "1m", "1h", "1d".

To use different bucket durations for different window sizes, see bucket_durations below.

A mapping from the desired bucket duration to the window size(s) that should use that bucket duration.

If bucket_duration is also provided, any window durations not specified in this mapping will pick up the bucket duration from the bucket_duration parameter.

This parameter is useful when you have some very large windows and some very small windows. For example, if you have a 365-day window and a 10-minute window, you wouldn't want to maintain 365 days of 10-minute buckets in the online store. However, using a 1-day bucket for the 10-minute window would also lead to significantly more events fitting into the window than you might want.

In this case, you could specify:

count: Windowed[int] = windowed(
    "1d", "365d",
        # 1-day buckets for the 365d window
            # 10-minute buckets for the 1d window
            "10m": "1d",

The schedule on which to automatically backfill the aggregation. For example, "* * * * *" or "1h".

The minimum period of time for which to sample data directly via online query, rather than from the backfilled aggregations.


Marks a feature as the primary feature for a feature class.

Features named id on feature classes without an explicit primary feature are declared primary keys by default, and don't need to be marked with Primary.

If you have primary key feature with a name other than id, you can use this marker to indicate the primary key.


from chalk.features import features
from chalk import Primary
class User:
    username: Primary[str]
typing.Union[Type, str, int]

The type of the feature value.


The type, with a special annotation indicating that it is a primary key.

from chalk.features import features
from chalk import Primary
class User:
    username: Primary[str]

Specify explicit data validation for a feature.

The feature() function can also specify these validations, but this class allows you to specify both strict and non-strict validations at the same time.


Set validation parameters for a feature.

T | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x >= min.

T | None
= None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that x <= max.

min_length: = None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that len(x) >= min_length.

max_length: = None

If specified, when this feature is computed, Chalk will check that len(x) <= max_length.

strict: = False

If True, if this feature does not meet the validation criteria, Chalk will not persist the feature value and will treat it as failed.

from chalk.features import features, feature
class User:
    fico_score: int = feature(
            Validation(min=300, max=850, strict=True),
            Validation(min=300, max=320, strict=False),
            Validation(min=840, max=850, strict=False),
    # If only one set of validations were needed,
    # you can use the [`feature`](#feature) function instead:
    first_name: str = feature(
        min_length=2, max_length=64, strict=True

The Vector class can be used type annotation to denote a Vector feature.

Instances of this class will be provided when working with raw vectors inside of resolvers. Generally, you do not need to construct instances of this class directly, as Chalk will automatically convert list-like features into Vector instances when working with a Vector annotation.


data: numpy.Array | list[float] | pyarrow.FixedSizeListScalar The vector values


from chalk.features import Vector, features
class Document:
    embedding: Vector[1536]
'fp16' | 'fp32' | 'fp64'

The precision of the Vector


Convert a vector to a PyArrow array.


The vector, as a PyArrow array.

Convert a vector to a PyArrow array.


The vector, as a PyArrow array.

Convert the vector to a Numpy array.

writable: = False

Whether the numpy array should be writable. If so, an extra copy of the vector data will be made.


The vector, as a numpy array.

Convert the vector to a Python list.


The vector, as a list of Python floats

Define a nearest neighbor relationship for performing Vector similarity search.metric: "l2" | "ip" | "cos" The metric to use to compute distance between two vectors. L2 Norm ("l2"), Inner Product ("ip"), and Cosine ("cos") are supported. Defaults to "l2".


The other vector feature. This vector must have the same dtype and dimensions.

'l2' | 'ip' | 'cos'
= 'l2'

A nearest neighbor relationship filter.

Decorator to create an online resolver.


Environments are used to trigger behavior in different deployments such as staging, production, and local development. For example, you may wish to interact with a vendor via an API call in the production environment, and opt to return a constant value in a staging environment.

Environment can take one of three types:

  • None (default) - candidate to run in every environment
  • str - run only in this environment
  • list[str] - run in any of the specified environment and no others

Read more at Environments

tags: = None

Allow you to scope requests within an environment. Both tags and environment need to match for a resolver to be a candidate to execute.

You might consider using tags, for example, to change out whether you want to use a sandbox environment for a vendor, or to bypass the vendor and return constant values in a staging environment.

Read more at Tags

cron: = None

You can schedule resolvers to run on a pre-determined schedule via the cron argument to resolver decorators.

Cron can sample all examples, a subset of all examples, or a custom provided set of examples.

Read more at Scheduling

when: = None

Like tags, when can filter when a resolver is eligible to run. Unlike tags, when can use feature values, so that you can write resolvers like:

@online(when=User.risk_profile == "low" or User.is_employee)
def resolver_fn(...) -> ...:
    return ...
owner: = None

Individual or team responsible for this resolver. The Chalk Dashboard will display this field, and alerts can be routed to owners.

You can specify the maximum Duration to wait for the resolver's result. Once the resolver's runtime exceeds the specified duration, a timeout error will be returned along with each output feature.

Read more at Timeout.

ResourceHint | None
= None

Whether this resolver is bound by CPU or I/O. Chalk uses the resource hint to optimize resolver execution.

static: = False

Whether this resolver should be invoked once during planning time to build a static computation graph. If True, all inputs will either be StaticOperators (for has-many and DataFrame relationships) or StaticExpressions (for individual features). The resolver must return a StaticOperator as output.

Other Parameters
Show All
Callable[P, T] | None
= None
name: = None
total: = False
Collection[Any] | None
= None
Collection[Any] | None
= None

A ResolverProtocol which can be called as a normal function! You can unit-test resolvers as you would unit-test any other code.

Read more at Unit Tests

def name_match(
    name: User.full_name,
    account_name: User.bank_account.title
) -> User.account_name_match_score:
    if name.lower() == account_name.lower():
        return 1.
    return 0.

Decorator to create an offline resolver.


Environments are used to trigger behavior in different deployments such as staging, production, and local development. For example, you may wish to interact with a vendor via an API call in the production environment, and opt to return a constant value in a staging environment.

Environment can take one of three types:

  • None (default) - candidate to run in every environment
  • str - run only in this environment
  • list[str] - run in any of the specified environment and no others

Read more at Environments

tags: = None

Allow you to scope requests within an environment. Both tags and environment need to match for a resolver to be a candidate to execute.

You might consider using tags, for example, to change out whether you want to use a sandbox environment for a vendor, or to bypass the vendor and return constant values in a staging environment.

Read more at Tags

cron: = None

You can schedule resolvers to run on a pre-determined schedule via the cron argument to resolver decorators.

Cron can sample all examples, a subset of all examples, or a custom provided set of examples.

Read more at Scheduling

when: = None

Like tags, when can filter when a resolver is eligible to run. Unlike tags, when can use feature values, so that you can write resolvers like::

@offline(when=User.risk_profile == "low" or User.is_employee)
def resolver_fn(...) -> ...:
owner: = None

Allows you to specify an individual or team who is responsible for this resolver. The Chalk Dashboard will display this field, and alerts can be routed to owners.

You can specify the maximum Duration to wait for the resolver's result. Once the resolver's runtime exceeds the specified duration, a timeout error will be raised.

Read more at Timeout.

ResourceHint | None
= None

Whether this resolver is bound by CPU or I/O. Chalk uses the resource hint to optimize resolver execution.

static: = False

Whether this resolver should be invoked once during planning time to build a static computation graph. If True, all inputs will either be StaticOperators (for has-many and dataframe relationships) or StaticExpressions (for individual features). The resolver must return a StaticOperator as output.

total: = False

Whether this resolver returns all ids of a given namespace. To have this annotation, the resolver must take no arguments and return a DataFrame. Typically, this annotation would be used in a SQL-file resolver.

Other Parameters
Show All
Callable[P, T] | None
= None
name: = None
Collection[Any] | None
= None
Collection[Any] | None
= None

A ResolverProtocol which can be called as a normal function! You can unit-test resolvers as you would unit-test any other code.

Read more at Unit Tests

def get_fraud_score(
) -> User.fraud_score:
    return socure.get_sigma_score(email, name)

Detailed options for specify the schedule and filtering functions for Chalk batch jobs.


Run an online or offline resolver on a schedule.

This class lets you add a filter or sample function to your cron schedule for a resolver. See the overloaded signatures for more information.


The period of the cron job. Can be either a crontab ("0 * * * *") or a Duration ("2h").

filter: = None

Optionally, a function to filter down the arguments to consider.

See Filtering examples for more information.

sample: = None

Explicitly provide the sample function for the cron job.

See Custom examples for more information.

Using a filter

def only_active_filter(v:
    return v
@online(cron=Cron(schedule="1d", filter=only_active_filter))
def score_user(d: User.signup_date) -> User.score:
    return ...

Using a sample function

def s() -> DataFrame[]:
    return DataFrame.read_csv(...)
@offline(cron=Cron(schedule="1d", sample=s))
def fn(balance: User.account.balance) -> ...:

A resolver, returned from the decorators @offline and @online.


The content of the resolver as a string.

dict[str, FunctionCapturedGlobal] | None

A subset of the global variables mentioned inside of the function, which are saved here in order to allow the function to be emulated symbolically.

Individual or team responsible for this resolver. The Chalk Dashboard will display this field, and alerts can be routed to owners.

Environments are used to trigger behavior in different deployments such as staging, production, and local development. For example, you may wish to interact with a vendor via an API call in the production environment, and opt to return a constant value in a staging environment.

Environment can take one of three types:
- [`None`]( (default) - candidate to run in every environment
- [`str`]( - run only in this environment
- `list[str]` - run in any of the specified environment and no others

Read more at Environments

Allow you to scope requests within an environment. Both tags and environment need to match for a resolver to be a candidate to execute.

You might consider using tags, for example, to change out whether you want to use a sandbox environment for a vendor, or to bypass the vendor and return constant values in a staging environment.

Read more at Tags

The docstring of the resolver.

The function name of the resolver.

The python module where the function is defined

The type annotations for the resolver

The filename in which the resolver is defined.

The name of the resolver, either given by the name of the function, or by the keyword argument name given to @offline or @online.

ResourceHint | None

Whether this resolver is bound by CPU or I/O

whether the resolver is static. Static resolvers are "executed" once during planning time to produce a computation graph.

The fully qualified name for the resolver


Returns the result of calling the function decorated with @offline or @online with the given arguments.

= ()

The arguments to pass to the decorated function. If one of the arguments is a DataFrame with a filter or projection applied, the resolver will only be called with the filtered or projected data. Read more at

= {}

The result of calling the decorated function with args. Useful for unit-testing.

Read more at Unit Tests

def get_num_bedrooms(
    rooms: Home.rooms[ == 'bedroom']
) -> Home.num_bedrooms:
    return len(rooms)
rooms = [
    Room(id=1, name="bedroom"),
    Room(id=2, name="kitchen"),
    Room(id=3, name="bedroom"),
assert get_num_bedrooms(rooms) == 2

An immutable context that can be accessed from Python resolvers. This context wraps a JSON-compatible dictionary or JSON string with type restrictions.


from chalk.client import ChalkClient
from chalk.features import features
from chalk import ChalkContext, online
import requests
import json
class User:
    id: int
    endpoint_url: str
    endpoint_response: str
def get_user_endpoint_response(endpoint_url: User.endpoint_url) -> User.endpoint_response:
    context_headers = {}
    optional_correlation_id = ChalkContext.get("request_correlation_id")
    if optional_correlation_id is not None:
        context_headers["correlation-id"] = optional_correlation_id
    response = requests.get(endpoint_url, headers=context_headers)
    return json.dumps(response.json())
    input={ 1, User.endpoint_url: ""},
    query_context={"request_correlation_id": "df0cc84b-bb0e-41b1-82cd-74ccd968b2fa"},

The key to get from the context.

JsonValue | None
= None

The default value to return if the key is not found. None by default.

JsonValue | None

The value associated with the key in the context, or the default value if the key is not found.

Type Alias

The type of machine to use.

You can optionally specify that resolvers need to run on a machine other than the default. Must be configured in your deployment.

Chalk includes a DataFrame class that models tabular data in much the same way that pandas does. However, there are some key differences that allow the Chalk DataFrame to increase type safety and performance.

Like pandas, Chalk's DataFrame is a two-dimensional data structure with rows and columns. You can perform operations like filtering, grouping, and aggregating on a DataFrame. However, there are two main differences.

  • Lazy implementation - Chalk's DataFrame is lazy and can be backed by multiple data sources, where a pandas.DataFrame executes eagerly in memory.
  • Use as a type - Chalk's DataFrame[...] can be used to represent a type of data with pre-defined filters.

Lazy Execution

Unlike pandas, the implementation of a Chalk DataFrame is lazy, and can be executed against many different backend sources of data. For example, in unit tests, a DataFrame uses an implementation backed by polars. But if your DataFrame was returned from a SQL source, filters and aggregations may be pushed down to the database for efficient execution.

Use as a Type

Each column of a Chalk DataFrame typed by a Feature type. For example, you might have a resolver returning a DataFrame containing user ids and names:

class User:
   id: int
   name: str
   email: str

def get_users() -> DataFrame[,]:
   return DataFrame([
       User(id=1, name="Alice"),
       User(id=2, name="Bob")

Note that the DataFrame type is parameterized by the columns that it contains. In this case, the DataFrame contains two columns, and

The specific operations available on a DataFrame are discussed below. For a higher-level discussion, see DataFrame.

ClassVar[tuple[Filter, ...]]
tuple[Feature, ...]

The maximum number of rows to return

The shape of the DataFrame as a tuple of (num_rows, num_columns).


DataFrame({ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]}).shape
(5, 1)

Construct a Chalk DataFrame.

data: = None

The data. Can be an existing pandas.DataFrame, polars.DataFrame or polars.LazyFrame, a sequence of feature instances, or a dict mapping a feature to a sequence of values.

= 'default_or_allow'

The strategy to use to handle missing values.

A feature value is "missing" if it is an ellipsis (...), or it is None and the feature is not annotated as Optional[...].

The available strategies are:

  • 'error': Raise a TypeError if any missing values are found. Do not attempt to replace missing values with the default value for the feature.
  • 'default_or_error': If the feature has a default value, then replace missing values with the default value for the feature. Otherwise, raise a TypeError.
  • 'default_or_allow': If the feature has a default value, then replace missing values with the default value for the feature. Otherwise, leave it as None. This is the default strategy.
  • 'allow': Allow missing values to be stored in the DataFrame. This option may result non-nullable features being assigned None values.

Row-wise construction

df = DataFrame([
    User(id=1, first="Sam", last="Wu"),
    User(id=2, first="Iris", last="Xi")

Column-wise construction

df = DataFrame({ [1, 2],
    User.first: ["Sam", "Iris"],
    User.last: ["Wu", "Xi"]

Construction from polars.DataFrame

import polars
df = DataFrame(polars.DataFrame({
    "": [1, 2],
    "user.first": ["Sam", "Iris"],
    "user.last": ["Wu", "Xi"]

Filter the rows of a DataFrame or project out columns.

You can select columns out of a DataFrame from the set of columns already present to produce a new DataFrame scoped down to those columns.

Or, you can filter the rows of a DataFrame by using Python's built-in operations on feature columns.


Filters and projections to apply to the DataFrame.


A DataFrame with the filters and projections in item applied.

df = DataFrame({
    User.age: [21, 22, 23], [...],


df = df[
    User.age > 21 and == ""



Filtering & Projecting

df = df[
    User.age > 21 and == "",

Aggregate the DataFrame by the specified columns.

dict[Feature | Any, Feature | Any]

A mapping from the desired column name in the resulting DataFrame to the name of the column in the source DataFrame.

A mapping from the desired column name in the resulting DataFrame to the aggregation operation to perform on the source DataFrame.


The DataFrame with the specified aggregations applied.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [1, 5, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.median(User.val)}
│ │ User.val │

Compute a histogram with fixed width bins.

nbins: = None

If supplied, will be used to compute the binwidth.

If not supplied, computed from the data (actual max and min values).

base: = None

The value of the first histogram bin. Defaults to the minimum value of column.

eps: = 1e-13

Allowed floating point epsilon for histogram base

column: = None

The column to compute the histogram on. If not supplied, the DataFrame is assumed to contain a single column.

descending: = False

If True, the histogram buckets will be sorted in descending order.


A list of the counts in each bin.

  Taco.price: list(range(100, 200)),
}).histogram_list(nbins=4, base=100)
[25, 25, 25, 25]

Group based on a time value (date or datetime).

The groups are defined by a time-based window, and optionally, other columns in the DataFrame. The "width" of the window is defined by the period parameter, and the spacing between the windows is defined by the every parameter. Note that if the every parameter is smaller than the period parameter, then the windows will overlap, and a single row may be assigned to multiple groups.

As an example, consider the following DataFrame:

val:    a  b    c   d e     f           g h
time:        A         B         C         D
1   │   a  b  │                                    1: [a, b]
2   ◀───▶│ b    c  │                               2: [b, c]
3   ◀────────▶│ c   d e │                          3: [c, d, e]
      period  └────┬────┴────┐
4                  │d e     f│                     4: [d, e, f]
5                       │   f     │                5: [f]
6                            │         │
7                                 │     g h │      7: [g, h]
8                                      │g h      │ 8: [g, h]

In the above example, the sixth time bucket is empty, and will not be included in the resulting DataFrame.

Feature | Any

The column to use as the index for the time-based grouping.

A mapping from the desired column name in the resulting DataFrame to the aggregation operation to perform on the source DataFrame.

The spacing between the time-based windows. This parameter can be specified as a str or a timedelta. If specified as a str, then it must be a valid Duration.

dict[Feature | Any, Feature | Any] | None
= None

A mapping from the desired column name in the resulting DataFrame to the name of the column in the source DataFrame. This parameter is optional, and if not specified, then the resulting DataFrame groups will be determined by the index parameter alone.

period: = None

The width of the time-based window. This parameter can be specified as a str or a timedelta. If specified as a str, then it must be a valid Duration. If None it is equal to every.

Other Parameters
Show All
offset: = None
'window' | 'datapoint' | 'monday' | 'tuesday' | 'wednesday' | 'thursday' | 'friday' | 'saturday' | 'sunday'
= 'window'

A new DataFrame with the specified time-based grouping applied. The resulting DataFrame will have a column for each of the keys in group", "or each of the keys inagg, and for theindex` parameter.

from chalk import DataFrame, op
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [1, 5, 10],
        User.ts: [datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 1, 1), datetime(2020, 1, 3)],
     agg={User.val: op.median(User.val)},
│ │ User.ts  │ User.val │

Vertically stack the DataFrame with another DataFrame containing the same columns. The DataFrame other will be appended to the bottom of this DataFrame.


The other DataFrame to stack with this DataFrame.


The DataFrame with the other DataFrame stacked on the bottom.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame([
    User(id=1, first="Sam", last="Wu"),
    User(id=2, first="Iris", last="Xi")

Return the number of unique values in the specified column.

column: = None

The column to compute the number of unique values for. If None, then the number of unique values in the entire DataFrame is returned.


The number of unique values in the specified column.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame([
    User(id=1, first="Sam", last="Wu"),
    User(id=2, first="Iris", last="Xi")

Rename columns in the DataFrame.


A mapping from the current feature for a column to the desired feature for the column.


The DataFrame with the specified columns renamed.

df = DataFrame([
    User(id=1, first="Sam", last="Wu"),
    User(id=2, first="Iris", last="Xi")

Add a column to the DataFrame.


The name of the column to add.

The definition of the column to add. This could be a constant value (e.g. 1 or True), an expression (e.g. op.max(User.score_1, User.score_2)), or a list of values (e.g. [1, 2, 3]).

df = DataFrame([
    User(id=1, first="Sam", last="Wu"),
    User(id=2, first="Iris", last="Xi")
# Set the fraud score to 0 for all users
df.with_column(User.fraud_score, 0)
# Concatenation of first & last as full_name
    User.full_name, op.concat(User.first, User.last)
# Alias a column name
    User.first_name, User.first

Add columns to the DataFrame.


A Mapping from the desired name of the column in the DataFrame to the definition of the new column.


A new DataFrame with all the existing columns, plus those specified in this function.

df = DataFrame([
    User(id=1, first="Sam", last="Wu"),
    User(id=2, first="Iris", last="Xi")
# Set the fraud score to 0 for all users
df.with_columns({User.fraud_score: 0})
# Concatenation of first & last as full_name
    User.full_name: op.concat(User.first, User.last)
# Alias a column name
    User.first_name: User.first

Deprecated. Use DataFrame(...) instead.

Deprecated. Use DataFrame(...) instead.

Read a .csv file as a DataFrame.


The path to the .csv file. This may be a S3 or GCS storage url.

Whether the .csv file has a header row as the first row.

| None
= None

A mapping of index to feature name.


A DataFrame with the contents of the file loaded as features.

values = DataFrame.read_csv(
    columns={0:, 1:},

Read a .avro file as a DataFrame.


The path to the .avro file. This may be a S3 or GCS storage url.


A DataFrame with the contents of the file loaded as features.

values = DataFrame.read_avro(

Compute the max value of each of the columns in the DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame will have a single row with the max value of each column.


A DataFrame with the max value of each column.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 2, 3],
        User.val: [1, 4, 10],
│ │ User.val │

Compute the mean value of each of the columns in the DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame will have a single row with the mean value of each column.


A DataFrame with the mean value of each column.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 2, 3],
        User.val: [1, 4, 10],
│ │ User.val │

Compute the median value of each of the columns in the DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame will have a single row with the median value of each column.


A DataFrame with the median value of each column.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 2, 3],
        User.val: [1, 4, 10],
│ │ User.val │

Compute the min value of each of the columns in the DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame will have a single row with the min value of each column.


A DataFrame with the min value of each column.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 2, 3],
        User.val: [1, 4, 10],
│ │ User.val │

Compute the standard deviation of each of the columns in the DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame will have a single row with the standard deviation of each column.

ddof: = 1

"Delta Degrees of Freedom": the divisor used in the calculation is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default, ddof is 1.


A DataFrame with the standard deviation of each column.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 2, 3],
        User.val: [1, 4, 10],
│ │ User.val │

Compute the sum of each of the columns in the DataFrame. The resulting DataFrame will have a single row with the sum of each column.


A DataFrame with the sum of each column.

Compute the variance of each of the columns in the DataFrame.

ddof: = 1

"Delta Degrees of Freedom": the divisor used in the calculation is N - ddof, where N represents the number of elements. By default, ddof is 1.


A DataFrame with the variance of each column.

Returns whether any the values in the DataFrame are truthy. Requires the DataFrame to only contain boolean values.

Returns whether all the values in the DataFrame are truthy. Requires the DataFrame to only contain boolean values.

Returns the number of rows in the DataFrame.


The number of rows in the DataFrame.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 2, 3],
        User.val: [1, 4, 10],

Returns the number of rows in the DataFrame.


The number of rows in the DataFrame.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 2, 3],
        User.val: [1, 4, 10],

Get the only item from the DataFrame. This method will raise an error if the DataFrame contains more than one row or more than column.

Sort the DataFrame by the given columns.

str | Feature | Any

Feature(s) to sort by. Strings are parsed as feature names.

str | Feature | Any
= ()

Additional columns to sort by, specified as positional arguments.

descending: = False

Sort in descending order. When sorting by multiple columns, can be specified per feature by passing a sequence of booleans.

nulls_last: = False

Place null values last.


A new DataFrame with the rows sorted.

df = DataFrame({
    User.a: [1, 2, 3],
    User.b: [3, 2, 1],
a  b
0     1  3
1     2  2
2     3  1

Get the underlying DataFrame as a polars.LazyFrame.

prefixed: = True

Whether to prefix the column names with the feature namespace (i.e. if prefixed=True,, if if prefixed=False, name)


The underlying polars.LazyFrame.

Get the underlying DataFrame as a pyarrow.Table.

prefixed: = True

Whether to prefix the column names with the feature namespace (i.e. if prefixed=True,, if if prefixed=False, name)


The underlying pyarrow.Table. This format is the canonical representation of the data in Chalk.

Get the underlying DataFrame as a pandas.DataFrame.prefixed Whether to prefix the column names with the feature namespace (i.e. if prefixed=True,, if if prefixed=False, name)


If True, use strings for column names. If False, use Feature objects.

prefixed: = True

The data formatted as a pandas.DataFrame.

Get values in the DataFrame as Features instances.

df = DataFrame({ [1, 2],
    SpaceShip.volume: [4_000, 5_000]
    SpaceShip(id=1, volume=4000),
    SpaceShip(id=2, volume=5000)

Slice the DataFrame.

offset: = 0

The offset to start at.

length: = None

The number of rows in the slice. If None (the default), include all rows from offset to the end of the DataFrame.


The dataframe with the slice applied.


Operations for aggregations in DataFrame.

The class methods on this class are used to create aggregations for use in DataFrame.group_by.


Add together the values of col and *cols in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

There must be at least one column to aggregate.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any
= ()

Subsequent columns to aggregate.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [0.5, 4, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.sum(User.val)}
│ │ User.val │

Multiply together the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column to aggregate. Used in DataFrame.group_by.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [0.5, 4, 10], [True, True, False],
        User.val: op.product(User.val), op.product(,
│ │ User.val │ │

Find the maximum of the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the maximum value.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [0.5, 4, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.max(User.val)}
│ │ User.val │

Find the minimum of the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the minimum value.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [0.5, 4, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.min(User.val)}
│ │ User.val │

Find the median of the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the median value. In the case of an even number of elements, the median is the mean of the two middle elements.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [1, 5, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.median(User.val)}
│ │ User.val │

Find the mean of the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the mean value.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [1, 5, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.mean(User.val)}
│ │ User.val │

Find the standard deviation of the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the standard deviation.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [1, 5, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.std(User.val)}

Find the variance of the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the variance.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [1, 5, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.variance(User.val)}

Find the count of the values of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the count.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [1, 5, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.count(User.val)}
│ │ User.val │

Concatenate the string values of col and col2 in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the last value.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column with which to concatenate col.

sep: = ''

The separator to use when concatenating col and col2.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
        User(id=1, val='a'),
        User(id=1, val='b'),
        User(id=3, val='c'),
        User(id=3, val='d'),
    agg={User.val: op.concat(User.val)},
│ │ User.val │

Deprecated. Use concat instead.

Find the last value of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the last value.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
        User(id=1, val=1),
        User(id=1, val=3),
        User(id=3, val=7),
        User(id=3, val=5),
    User.amount, descending=True,
    agg={User.val: op.last(User.val)},
│ │ User.val │

Find the first value of col in a DataFrame.

Feature | FeatureWrapper | str | Any

The column along which to find the first value.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
        User(id=1, val=1),
        User(id=1, val=3),
        User(id=3, val=7),
        User(id=3, val=5),
    User.amount, descending=False
    agg={User.val: op.last(User.val)},
│ │ User.val │

A class for refining an aggregation defined by op.


Filter the aggregation to apply to only rows where all the filters in f are true. If no rows match the filter, the aggregation for the column will be null, and the resulting feature type must be a nullable type.

Filter | Any
= ()

A set of filters to apply to the aggregation. Each of the filters must be true to apply the aggregation.


The aggregation, allowing you to continue to chain methods.

from chalk.features import DataFrame
df = DataFrame(
    { [1, 1, 3],
        User.val: [0.5, 4, 10],
     agg={User.val: op.sum(User.val).where(User.val > 5)}
│ │ User.val │
1      │ null     │

Create a Snowflake data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Create a PostgreSQL data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Create a MySQL data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Create a DynamoDB data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details. DynamoDBSources can be queried via PartiQL SQL resolvers.

You may override the ambient AWS credentials by providing either a client ID and secret, or a role ARN.

Create a BigQuery data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Create a Redshift data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Create a CloudSQL data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Create a SQLite source for a file.

str | PathLike

The name of the file.

name: = None

The name to use in testing

Additional arguments to use when constructing the SQLAlchemy engine.

Additional arguments to use when constructing an async SQLAlchemy engine.


The SQL source for use in Chalk resolvers.

Testing SQL source.

If you have only one SQLiteInMemorySource integration, there's no need to provide a distinguishing name.

name: = None

The name of the integration.

Additional arguments to use when constructing the SQLAlchemy engine.

Additional arguments to use when constructing an async SQLAlchemy engine.


The SQL source for use in Chalk resolvers.

source = SQLiteInMemorySource(name="RISK")

Create a Databricks data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Create a Spanner data source. SQL-based data sources created without arguments assume a configuration in your Chalk Dashboard. Those created with the name= keyword argument will use the configuration for the integration with the given name. And finally, those created with explicit arguments will use those arguments to configure the data source. See the overloaded signatures for more details.

Incremental settings for Chalk SQL queries.

In "row" mode: incremental_column MUST be set.

Returns the results represented by this query as a list (like .all()), but modifies the query to only return "new" results, by adding a clause that looks like:

"WHERE <incremental_column> >= <previous_latest_row_timestamp> - <lookback_period>"

In "group" mode: incremental_column MUST be set.

Returns the results represented by this query as a list (like .all()), but modifies the query to only results from "groups" which have changed since the last run of the query.

This works by (1) parsing your query, (2) finding the "group keys", (3) selecting only changed groups. Concretely:

SELECT user_id, sum(amount) as sum_amount
FROM payments
GROUP BY user_id

would be rewritten like this:

SELECT user_id, sum(amount) as sum_amount
FROM payments
WHERE user_id in (
    SELECT DISTINCT(user_id)
    FROM payments WHERE created_at >= <previous_latest_row_timestamp> - <lookback_period>
GROUP BY user_id

In "parameter" mode: incremental_column WILL BE IGNORED.

This mode is for cases where you want full control of incrementalization. Chalk will not manipulate your query. Chalk will include a query parameter named "chalk_incremental_timestamp". Depending on your SQL dialect, you can use this value to incrementalize your query with :chalk_incremental_timestamp or %(chalk_incremental_timestamp)s. This will incrementalize your query using the timestamp of the latest row that has been ingested.

Chalk will also include another query parameter named "chalk_last_execution_timestamp" that can be used instead. This will incrementalize your query using the last time the query was executed.


If incremental_timestamp is "feature_time", we will incrementalize your query using the timestamp of the latest row that has been ingested. This is the default.

If incremental_timestamp is "resolver_execution_time", we will incrementalize your query using the last time the query was executed instead.

'row' | 'group' | 'parameter'

The amount of overlap to check for late-arriving rows.

The column on which to incrementalize.

'feature_time' | 'resolver_execution_time'

The timestamp to set as the lower bound


Run a query from a SQL string.


The query that you'd like to run.

dict[str, Feature | str | Any] | None
= None

A mapping from the column names selected to features.

args: = None

Any args in the sql string specified by query need to have corresponding value assignments in args.


A query that can be returned from a @online or @offline resolver.

Run a query from a SQL file.

This method allows you to query the SQL file within a Python resolver. However, Chalk can also infer resolvers from SQL files. See SQL file resolvers for more information.

str | bytes | PathLike

The path to the file with the sql file, relative to the caller's file, or to the directory that your chalk.yaml file lives in.

dict[str, Feature | str | Any] | None
= None

A mapping from the column names selected to features.

args: = None

Any args in the sql file specified by path need to have corresponding value assignments in args.


A query that can be returned from a @online or @offline resolver.

Query using a SQLAlchemy model.


Arguments as would normally be passed to a SQLAlchemy.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Get an SQLAlchemy Engine. The engine will be created and cached on the first call of this method.


A SQLAlchemy engine.


Automatically ingest a table.


The name of the table to ingest.

The feature class that this table should be mapping to, e.g. User.

Columns in the table that should be ignored, and not mapped to features, even if there is a matching name.

Features on the feature class that should be ignored, and not mapped to columns, even if there is a matching name.

Columns that must exist in the mapping.

Features that must exist in the mapping.

Explicit mapping of columns to features for names that do not match.

Settings for incrementally ingesting the table.

from chalk.sql import PostgreSQLSource
from chalk.features import features
    # Override one of the column mappings.

Return the first result of this Query or None if the result doesn't contain any row.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Return at most one result or raise an exception.

Returns None if the query selects no rows. Raises if multiple object identities are returned, or if multiple rows are returned for a query that returns only scalar values as opposed to full identity-mapped entities.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Return exactly one result or raise an exception.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Return the results represented by this Query as a DataFrame.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Operates like .all(), but tracks previous_latest_row_timestamp between query executions in order to limit the amount of data returned.

previous_latest_row_timestamp will be set the start of the query execution, or if you return a FeatureTime-mapped column, Chalk will update previous_latest_row_timestamp to the maximum observed FeatureTime value.

In "row" mode: incremental_column MUST be set.

Returns the results represented by this query as a list (like .all()), but modifies the query to only return "new" results, by adding a clause that looks like:

WHERE <incremental_column> >= <previous_latest_row_timestamp> - <lookback_period>

In "group" mode: incremental_column MUST be set.

Returns the results represented by this query as a list (like .all()), but modifies the query to only results from "groups" which have changed since the last run of the query.

This works by (1) parsing your query, (2) finding the "group keys", (3) selecting only changed groups. Concretely:

SELECT user_id, sum(amount) as sum_amount
FROM payments
GROUP BY user_id

would be rewritten like this:

SELECT user_id, sum(amount) as sum_amount
FROM payments
WHERE user_id in (
    SELECT DISTINCT(user_id)
    FROM payments WHERE created_at >= <previous_latest_row_timestamp> - <lookback_period>
GROUP BY user_id

In "parameter" mode: incremental_column WILL BE IGNORED.

This mode is for cases where you want full control of incrementalization. Chalk will not manipulate your query. Chalk will include a query parameter named "chalk_incremental_timestamp". Depending on your SQL dialect, you can use this value to incrementalize your query with :chalk_incremental_timestamp or %(chalk_incremental_timestamp)s.


Defaults to 0, which means we only return rows that are strictly newer than the last observed row.

'row' | 'group' | 'parameter'
= 'row'

Defaults to "row", which indicates that only rows newer than the last observed row should be considered. When set to "group", Chalk will only ingest features from groups which are newer than the last observation time. This requires that the query is grouped by a primary key.

str | Feature | None
= None

This should reference a timestamp column in your underlying table, typically something like "updated_at", "created_at", "event_time", etc.

'feature_time' | 'resolver_execution_time'
= 'feature_time'

Defaults to "feature_time", which means that the timestamp associated with the last feature value will be used as the incremental time. Alternatively, setting this parameter to "resolver_execution_time" will use last literal timestamp that the resolver ran.

params: = None

A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Apply the given filtering criterion to a copy of this Query, using keyword expressions.

kwargs: = {}

The column names assigned to the desired values (i.e. name="Maria").


A query that can be returned from a resolver or further filtered.

from chalk.sql import PostgreSQLSource
session = PostgreSQLSource()

Apply the given filtering criterion to a copy of this Query, using SQL expressions.


SQLAlchemy filter criterion


A query that can be returned from a resolver or further filtered.

Apply one or more ORDER BY criteria to the query and return the newly resulting Query.

clauses: = ()

SQLAlchemy columns.


A query that can be returned from a resolver or further filtered.

Materialize the query.

Chalk queries are lazy, which allows Chalk to perform performance optimizations like push-down filters. Instead of calling execute, consider returning this query from a resolver as an intermediate feature, and processing that intermediate feature in a different resolver.

Note: this requires the usage of the fields={...} argument when used in conjunction with query_string or query_sql_file.


The raw result of executing the query. For .all(), returns a DataFrame. For .one() or .one_or_none(), returns a Features instance corresponding to the relevant feature class.


Materialize the query.

Chalk queries are lazy, which allows Chalk to perform performance optimizations like push-down filters. Instead of calling execute, consider returning this query from a resolver as an intermediate feature, and processing that intermediate feature in a different resolver.


A DataFrame with the results of the query.

Return at most one result or raise an exception.

Returns None if the query selects no rows. Raises if multiple object identities are returned, or if multiple rows are returned for a query that returns only scalar values as opposed to full identity-mapped entities.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Return exactly one result or raise an exception.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Return the results represented by this Query as a list.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Operates like .all(), but tracks previous_latest_row_timestamp between query executions in order to limit the amount of data returned.

previous_latest_row_timestamp will be set the start of the query execution, or if you return a FeatureTime-mapped column, Chalk will update previous_latest_row_timestamp to the maximum observed FeatureTime value.

In "row" mode: incremental_column MUST be set.

Returns the results represented by this query as a list (like .all()), but modifies the query to only return "new" results, by adding a clause that looks like:

WHERE <incremental_column> >= <previous_latest_row_timestamp> - <lookback_period>

In "group" mode: incremental_column MUST be set.

Returns the results represented by this query as a list (like .all()), but modifies the query to only results from "groups" which have changed since the last run of the query.

This works by (1) parsing your query, (2) finding the "group keys", (3) selecting only changed groups. Concretely:

SELECT user_id, sum(amount) as sum_amount
FROM payments
GROUP BY user_id

would be rewritten like this:

SELECT user_id, sum(amount) as sum_amount
FROM payments
WHERE user_id in (
    SELECT DISTINCT(user_id)
    FROM payments WHERE created_at >= <previous_latest_row_timestamp> - <lookback_period>
GROUP BY user_id

In "parameter" mode: incremental_column WILL BE IGNORED.

This mode is for cases where you want full control of incrementalization. Chalk will not manipulate your query. Chalk will include a query parameter named "chalk_incremental_timestamp". Depending on your SQL dialect, you can use this value to incrementalize your query with :chalk_incremental_timestamp or %(chalk_incremental_timestamp)s.


This should reference a timestamp column in your underlying table, typically something like "updated_at", "created_at", "event_time", etc.

Defaults to 0, which means we only return rows that are strictly newer than the last observed row.

'row' | 'group' | 'parameter'
= 'row'

Defaults to "row", which indicates that only rows newer than the last observed row should be considered. When set to "group", Chalk will only ingest features from groups which are newer than the last observation time. This requires that the query is grouped by a primary key.

'feature_time' | 'resolver_execution_time'
= 'feature_time'

Defaults to "feature_time", which means that the timestamp associated with the last feature value will be used as the incremental time. Alternatively, setting this parameter to "resolver_execution_time" will use last literal timestamp that the resolver ran.


A query that can be returned from a resolver.

Generate a Chalk SQL file resolver from a filepath and a sql string. This will generate a resolver in your web dashboard that can be queried, but will not output a .chalk.sql file.

The optional parameters are overrides for the comment key-value pairs at the top of the sql file resolver. Comment key-value pairs specify important resolver information such as the source, feature namespace to resolve, and other details. Note that these will override any values specified in the sql string. See Configuration for more information.

See SQL file resolvers for more information on SQL file resolvers.


The name of your resolver

The sql string for your query.

Can either be a BaseSQLSource or a string. If a string is provided, it will be used to infer the source by first scanning for a source with the same name, then inferring the source if it is a type, e.g. snowflake if there is only one database of that type. Optional if source is specified in sql.

resolves: = None

Describes the feature namespace to which the outputs belong. Optional if resolves is specified in sql.

'online' | 'offline' | 'streaming' | None
= None

The type of resolver. If not specified, defaults to "online".

Other Parameters
Show All
1 | 'one' | 'one_or_none' | 'all' | None
= None
timeout: = None
cron: = None
owner: = None
tags: = None
Collection[FeatureReference] | None
= None
Collection[Any] | None
= None
total: = None
from chalk import make_sql_file_resolver
from chalk.features import features
class User:
    id: int
    name: str
    sql="SELECT user_id as id, name FROM users",

Decorator to create a stream resolver.


The streaming source, e.g. KafkaSource(...) or KinesisSource(...) or PubSubSource(...).

'continuous' | 'tumbling' | None
= None

This parameter is defined when the streaming resolver returns a windowed feature. Tumbling windows are fixed-size, contiguous and non-overlapping time intervals. You can think of tumbling windows as adjacently arranged bins of equal width. Tumbling windows are most often used alongside max_staleness to allow the features to be sent to the online store and offline store after each window period.

Continuous windows, unlike tumbling window, are overlapping and exact. When you request the value of a continuous window feature, Chalk looks at all the messages received in the window and computes the value on-demand.

See more at Window modes

Callable[[T], V] | None
= None

A callable that will interpret an input prior to the invocation of the resolver. Parse functions can serve many functions, including pre-parsing bytes, skipping unrelated messages, or supporting rekeying.

See more at Parsing

keys: = None

A mapping from input BaseModel attribute to Chalk feature attribute to support continuous streaming re-keying. This parameter is required for continuous resolvers. Features that are included here do not have to be explicitly returned in the stream resolver: the feature will automatically be set to the key value used for aggregation. See more at Keys

timestamp: = None

An optional string specifying an input attribute as the timestamp used for windowed aggregations. See more at Custom event timestamping

If set to False, the stream resolver will not update materialized aggregations, but is still eligible for ETL.

Other Parameters
Show All
owner: = None

A callable function! You can unit-test stream resolvers as you would unit-test any other code.

Decorator to create a sink. Read more at Sinks


Environments are used to trigger behavior in different deployments such as staging, production, and local development. For example, you may wish to interact with a vendor via an API call in the production environment, and opt to return a constant value in a staging environment.

Environment can take one of three types:

  • None (default) - candidate to run in every environment
  • str - run only in this environment
  • list[str] - run in any of the specified environment and no others

Read more at Environments

tags: = None

Allow you to scope requests within an environment. Both tags and environment need to match for a resolver to be a candidate to execute.

You might consider using tags, for example, to change out whether you want to use a sandbox environment for a vendor, or to bypass the vendor and return constant values in a staging environment.

Read more at Tags

buffer_size: = None

Count of updates to buffer.

owner: = None

The individual or team responsible for this resolver. The Chalk Dashboard will display this field, and alerts can be routed to owners.

Other Parameters
Show All
Callable[P, T] | None
= None
debounce: = None
max_delay: = None
upsert: = False
BaseSQLSourceProtocol | SinkIntegrationProtocol | None
= None
name: = None

A callable function! You can unit-test sinks as you would unit test any other code. Read more at Unit Tests

def process_updates(
process_updates(123, "", "555-555-5555")

The URL of one of your Kafka brokers from which to fetch initial metadata about your Kafka cluster

The name of the topic to subscribe to.

An S3 or GCS URI that points to the keystore file that should be used for brokers. You must configure the appropriate AWS or GCP integration in order for Chalk to be able to access these files.

An S3 or GCS URI that points to the certificate authority file that should be used to verify broker certificates. You must configure the appropriate AWS or GCP integration in order for Chalk to be able to access these files.


Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Valid values are "PLAINTEXT", "SSL", "SASL_PLAINTEXT", and "SASL_SSL". Defaults to "PLAINTEXT".


Authentication mechanism when security_protocol is configured for SASL_PLAINTEXT or SASL_SSL. Valid values are "PLAIN", "GSSAPI", "SCRAM-SHA-256", "SCRAM-SHA-512", "OAUTHBEARER". Defaults to "PLAIN".

Username for SASL PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication.

Password for SASL PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-256, or SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication.

The name of the integration, as configured in your Chalk Dashboard.

Messages older than this deadline will not be processed.

Kafka topic to send messages when message processing fails


The name of your stream. Either this or the stream_arn must be specified

The ARN of your stream. Either this or the stream_name must be specified

AWS region string, e.g. "us-east-2"

The name of the integration, as configured in your Chalk Dashboard.

Messages older than this deadline will not be processed.

Kinesis stream name to send messages when message processing fails

AWS access key id credential

AWS secret access key credential

AWS access key id credential

optional endpoint to hit Kinesis server

Optional role ARN for the consumer to assume


The project id of your PubSub source

The subscription id of your PubSub topic from which you want to consume messages. To enable permission for consuming this screen, ensure that the service account has the permissions 'pubsub.subscriptions.consume' and 'pubsub.subscriptions.get'.

The name of the integration, as configured in your Chalk Dashboard.

Messages older than this deadline will not be processed.

PubSub topic id to send messages when message processing fails. Add the permission 'pubsub.topics.publish' if this is set.


Base class for all stream sources generated from @stream.


e.g. 'kafka' or 'kinesis' or 'pubsub'

Identifier for the dead-letter queue (DLQ) for the stream. If not specified, failed messages will be dropped. Stream name for Kinesis, topic name for Kafka, subscription id for PubSub.

Identifier for the stream to consume. Stream name for Kinesis, topic name for Kafka, subscription id for PubSub


The ChalkClient is the primary Python interface for interacting with Chalk.

You can use it to query data, trigger resolver runs, gather offline data, and more.


Create a ChalkClient with the given credentials.

client_id: = None

The client ID to use to authenticate. Can either be a service token id or a user token id.

The client secret to use to authenticate. Can either be a service token secret or a user token secret.

The ID or name of the environment to use for this client. Not necessary if your client_id and client_secret are for a service token scoped to a single environment. If not present, the client will use the environment variable CHALK_ENVIRONMENT.

api_server: = None

The API server to use for this client. Required if you are using a Chalk Dedicated deployment. If not present, the client will check for the presence of the environment variable CHALK_API_SERVER, and use that if found.

branch: = None

If specified, Chalk will route all requests from this client instance to the relevant branch. Some methods allow you to override this instance-level branch configuration by passing in a branch argument.

If True, the client will pick up the branch from the current git branch.

If specified, Chalk will route all requests from this client instance to the relevant tagged deployment. This cannot be used with the branch argument.

If specified, Chalk will route all requests from this client instance to the relevant preview deployment.

A requests.Session to use for all requests. If not provided, a new session will be created.

The query server to use for this client. Required if you are using a standalone Chalk query engine deployment. If not present, the client will default to the value of api_server.

A map of additional HTTP headers to pass with each request.

The default wait timeout, in seconds, to wait for long-running jobs to complete when accessing query results. Jobs will not time out if this timeout elapses. For no timeout, set to None. The default is no timeout.

The default wait timeout, in seconds, to wait for network requests to complete. If not specified, the default is no timeout.

local: = False

If True, point the client at a local version of the code.

ssl.SSLContext | None
= None

A ssl.SSLContext that can be loaded with self-signed certificates so that requests requests to servers hosted with self-signed certificates succeed.


If client_id or client_secret are not provided, there is no ~/.chalk.yml file with applicable credentials, and the environment variables CHALK_CLIENT_ID and CHALK_CLIENT_SECRET are not set.

Compute features values using online resolvers. See Chalk Clients for more information.


The features for which there are known values, mapped to those values. For example, { 1234}. Features can also be expressed as snakecased strings, e.g. {"": 1234}

Outputs are the features that you'd like to compute from the inputs. For example, [User.age,,].

If an empty sequence, the output will be set to all features on the namespace of the query. For example, if you pass as input {"": 1234}, then the query is defined on the User namespace, and all features on the User namespace (excluding has-one and has-many relationships) will be used as outputs.

now: = None

The time at which to evaluate the query. If not specified, the current time will be used. This parameter is complex in the context of online_query since the online store only stores the most recent value of an entity's features. If now is in the past, it is extremely likely that None will be returned for cache-only features.

This parameter is primarily provided to support:

  • controlling the time window for aggregations over cached has-many relationships
  • controlling the time window for aggregations over has-many relationships loaded from an external database

If you are trying to perform an exploratory analysis of past feature values, prefer offline_query.

Maximum staleness overrides for any output features or intermediate features. See Caching for more information.

The environment under which to run the resolvers. API tokens can be scoped to an environment. If no environment is specified in the query, but the token supports only a single environment, then that environment will be taken as the scope for executing the request.

tags: = None

The tags used to scope the resolvers. See Tags for more information.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant preview deployment.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant branch.

You can specify a correlation ID to be used in logs and web interfaces. This should be globally unique, i.e. a uuid or similar. Logs generated during the execution of your query will be tagged with this correlation id.

query_name: = None

The semantic name for the query you're making, for example, "loan_application_model". Typically, each query that you make from your application should have a name. Chalk will present metrics and dashboard functionality grouped by 'query_name'. If your query name matches a NamedQuery, the query will automatically pull outputs and options specified in the matching NamedQuery.

If query_name is specified, this specifies the version of the named query you're making. This is only useful if you want your query to use a NamedQuery with a specific name and a specific version. If a query_name has not been supplied, then this parameter is ignored.

Returns metadata about the query execution under OnlineQueryResult.meta. This could make the query slightly slower. For more information, see Chalk Clients.

explain: = False

Log the query execution plan. Requests using explain=True will be slower than requests using explain=False.

If True, 'include_meta' will be set to True as well.

If True, the output of each of the query plan stages will be stored. This option dramatically impacts the performance of the query, so it should only be used for debugging.

If specified, all required_resolver_tags must be present on a resolver for it to be considered eligible to execute. See Tags for more information.

dict[str, str | int | float | bool | None] | str | None
= None

An immutable context that can be accessed from Python resolvers. This context wraps a JSON-compatible dictionary or JSON string with type restrictions. See for more information.

Other Parameters
Show All
meta: = None
planner_options: = None
headers: = None

Wrapper around the output features and any query metadata and errors encountered while running the resolvers.

The output features and any query metadata.

Errors encountered while running the resolvers.

If no errors were encountered, this field is empty.

Metadata about the query execution. Only present if include_meta=True is passed to the relevant query method.

from chalk.client import ChalkClient
result = ChalkClient().query(
    input={ "Katherine Johnson"
    staleness={User.fico_score: "10m"},

Execute multiple queries (represented by queries= argument) in a single request. This is useful if the queries are "rooted" in different @features classes -- i.e. if you want to load features for User and Merchant and there is no natural relationship object which is related to both of these classes, multi_query allows you to submit two independent queries.

Returns a BulkOnlineQueryResponse, which is functionally a list of query results. Each of these result can be accessed by index. Individual results can be further checked for errors and converted to pandas or polars DataFrames.

In contrast, query_bulk executes a single query with multiple inputs/outputs.


A list of the OnlineQuery objects you'd like to execute.

The environment under which to run the resolvers. API tokens can be scoped to an environment. If no environment is specified in the query, but the token supports only a single environment, then that environment will be taken as the scope for executing the request.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant preview deployment.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant branch.

Other Parameters
Show All
correlation_id: = None
query_name: = None
dict[str, str | int | float | bool | None] | str | None
= None
meta: = None
compression: = 'uncompressed'

An output containing results as a list[BulkOnlineQueryResult], where each result contains a DataFrame of the results of each query or any errors.

from chalk.client import ChalkClient, OnlineQuery
queries = [
        input={ ['Katherine Johnson']},
        input={ ['Eight Sleep']},
result = ChalkClient().multi_query(queries)

Compute features values for many rows of inputs using online resolvers. See Chalk Clients for more information on online query.

This method is similar to query, except it takes in list of inputs, and produces one output per row of inputs.

This method is appropriate if you want to fetch the same set of features for many different input primary keys.

This method contrasts with multi_query, which executes multiple fully independent queries.

This endpoint is not available in all environments.


The features for which there are known values, mapped to a list of the values.

Outputs are the features that you'd like to compute from the inputs.

The time at which to evaluate the query. If not specified, the current time will be used. The length of this list must be the same as the length of the values in input.

Maximum staleness overrides for any output features or intermediate features. See Caching for more information.

The environment under which to run the resolvers. API tokens can be scoped to an environment. If no environment is specified in the query, but the token supports only a single environment, then that environment will be taken as the scope for executing the request.

tags: = None

The tags used to scope the resolvers. See Tags for more information.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant preview deployment.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant branch.

Other Parameters
Show All
correlation_id: = None
query_name: = None
dict[str, str | int | float | bool | None] | str | None
= None
meta: = None
explain: = False
headers: = None

An output containing results as a list[BulkOnlineQueryResult], where each result contains a DataFrame of the results of each query.

from chalk.client import ChalkClient
    input={ ["Katherine Johnson", "Eleanor Roosevelt"]},
    staleness={User.fico_score: "10m"},

Plan a query without executing it.


The features for which there are known values, mapped to those values. For example, { 1234}. Features can also be expressed as snakecased strings, e.g. {"": 1234}

Outputs are the features that you'd like to compute from the inputs. For example, [User.age,,].

Maximum staleness overrides for any output features or intermediate features. See Caching for more information.

The environment under which to run the resolvers. API tokens can be scoped to an environment. If no environment is specified in the query, but the token supports only a single environment, then that environment will be taken as the scope for executing the request.

tags: = None

The tags used to scope the resolvers. See Tags for more information.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant preview deployment.

If specified, Chalk will route your request to the relevant branch.

query_name: = None

The semantic name for the query you're making, for example, "loan_application_model". Typically, each query that you make from your application should have a name. Chalk will present metrics and dashboard functionality grouped by 'query_name'. If your query name matches a NamedQuery, the query will automatically pull outputs and options specified in the matching NamedQuery.

If query_name is specified, this specifies the version of the named query you're making. This is only useful if you want your query to use a NamedQuery with a specific name and a specific version. If a query_name has not been supplied, then this parameter is ignored.

meta: = None

Arbitrary key:value pairs to associate with a query.

If true, the plan will store the intermediate values at each stage in the plan

explain: = False

If true, the plan will emit additional output to assist with debugging.

The number of input rows that this plan will be run with. If unknown, specify None.

headers: = None

Additional headers to provide with the request


The query plan, including the resolver execution order and the resolver execution plan for each resolver.

from chalk.client import ChalkClient
result = ChalkClient().plan_query(
    staleness={User.fico_score: "10m"},

Check whether expected results of a query match Chalk query ouputs. This function should be used in integration tests. If you're using pytest, will be executed on an error. Otherwise, an AssertionError will be raised.


A feature set or a mapping of {feature: value} of givens. All values will be encoded to the json representation.

A feature set or a mapping of {feature: value} of expected outputs. For values where you do not care about the result, use an ... for the feature value (i.e. when an error is expected).

A list of the features that you expect to be read from the online store, e.g.

cache_hits=[, Actor.num_appearances]

A map from the expected feature name to the expected errors for that feature, e.g.