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  1. Resolvers
  2. Environments

Environments are used to trigger behavior in different deployments such as staging, production, and local development. For example, you may wish to interact with a vendor via an API call in the production environment, and opt to return a constant value in a staging environment.

Specifying environments

You can choose to scope resolvers to a restricted set of environments. Resolvers optionally take a keyword argument named environment that can take one of three types:

  • Unassigned (default) - The resolver will be a candidate to run in every environment.
  • String value - The resolver will run only in this environment.
  • List of strings - The resolver will run in any of the specified environments and no other environments.


Say your fraud models needed to interact with a fraud vendor that you wanted to mock out in staging. We can scope the environments as follows:

def fraud_score_prod(email:, phone: -> User.fraud_score:
    return api_vendor.fraud_score(email)

@online(environment=["staging", "dev"])
def fraud_score_staging(email: -> User.fraud_score:
    if email == "":
        return 10
    return 90

Resolvers in different environments don’t need to take the same arguments. In the above example, the production version of the resolver takes a phone number and an email, while the staging version of the resolver takes only the email.