Chalk home page
  1. Resolvers
  2. Timeout

Computing features associated with third-party services can be unpredictably slow. Chalk helps you manage such uncertainty by specifying a resolver timeout duration.

Chalk will instantaneously (±1ms) cease waiting for a resolver whose runtime has exceeded the specified timeout duration. Simultaneously, via parallel execution, Chalk will return other crucial features whose resolvers did not time out.

To specify a timeout, use the timeout keyword argument to either @online or @offline:


def resolve_australian_credit_score(
    driver_id: User.driver_id_aus,
) -> User.credit_score_aus:
    return experian_client.get_score(driver_id)

def resolve_canadian_credit_score(
    user_si_number: User.social_insurance_number,
) -> User.credit_score_can:
    return equifax_client.get_score(user_si_number)

See Duration for supported durations.

Behavior upon timeout

Direct timeout

If a query’s output feature is directly resolved by a resolver that timed out, Chalk will return an error with the error code RESOLVER_TIMED_OUT, and its message will contain the name of the timed-out resolver.

Upstream timeout

If a query’s output feature is resolved by a resolver whose upstream resolver has timed out, Chalk will return an error with the error code UPSTREAM_FAILED.

The resolver that directly outputs the requested feature will not be run (unless it marks its inputs as optional).

Multiple output features

If your query contains multiple output features, Chalk will still return the other features whose resolver did not time out.