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  2. Tutorial: Feature Versions


With Feature Versioning on the Chalk platform, you can manage multiple versions of a feature. In this guide, you’ll add versioning to a feature in an existing Chalk project.

The following example shows you how to add versions to a feature, manage resolvers for different versions, query versioned features, and generally interact with versioned features.

Creating your first versioned feature

  1. Create a file in your Chalk project.
  2. Copy the following Python contents into the file.
from chalk.features import feature, features, online

class Animal:
    id: str
    sound: str = feature(version=2)

def resolver_1(id: -> Animal.sound@1:
    return "Hello"

def resolver_2(id: -> Animal.sound@2:
    match id:
        case "Cow": return "Moo"
        case "Dog": return "Woof"
        case _: return "Hello"
  1. Deploy your new feature with chalk apply --branch test.
  2. Now try a basic query for animal.sound. When no explicit version is provided, and no default_version is set, version 1 will be requested, so this function will return "Hello".
$ chalk query --in --out animal.sound --branch test
  1. To query a specific version, use the @ syntax
$ chalk query --in --out animal.sound@2 --branch test

Changing default versions

When you create a versioned feature, the default version is 1. You can control this default version and change the behavior of querying and resolvers.

  1. Replace the contents of with the following Python code. Note that we didn’t specify @2 in resolver_2. We can do that because 2 is the default version of Animal.sound.
from chalk.features import feature, features, online

class Animal:
    id: str
    sound: str = feature(version=2, default_version=2)

def resolver_1(id: -> Animal.sound@1:
    return "Hello"

def resolver_2(id: -> Animal.sound:
    match id:
        case "Cow": return "Moo"
        case "Dog": return "Woof"
        case _: return "Hello"
  1. chalk apply --branch test to deploy.
  2. Now try querying without a version, and resolver_2 will get executed.
$ chalk query --in --out animal.sound --branch test

Using versioned features in resolvers

Versioned features can also be used as the inputs for resolvers, which lets you do some clever things! Let’s check it out.

  1. Replace the contents of with this code.
from chalk.features import feature, features, online

class Animal:
    id: str
    sound: str = feature(version=2)

def resolver_1(id: -> Animal.sound@1:
    return "Hello"

def resolver_2(id:, sound: Animal.sound@1) -> Animal.sound@2:
    sounds = {"Cow" : "Moo", "Dog": "Woof"}
    return f"The {id} says {sounds.get(id, 'Hello')}, but its trying to say {sound}"
  1. Now query for an Cow.sound@2 and notice how Chalk automatically generates the dependent Cow.sound@1 feature!
$ chalk query --in --out animal.sound@2 --branch test