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  1. Integrations
  2. Environment Variables

Chalk lets you inject environment variables into the runtime for your resolvers. You can add an environment variable through the dashboard, where you’ll find a form that looks like this:

Add New Environment Variable

Add a new environment variable. All environment variables are encrypted.


Learn more about Environment Variables

Here, you can provide any environment variable you need. The value will be available in all the environments you check on the right side of the pane.

Environment variables can include secrets or configuration. All environment variables are securely stored using a Key Management Service.

Then, in your resolver or in a setup hook, you can access these environment variables as you would normally:

import os

value = os.getenv("my_variable")

Chalk environment variables

Chalk also provides a few environment variables that you can use in your resolvers.

TARGET_ROOTThe root directory of the application. This variable is set for both branch and standard deployments.
CHALK_DEPLOYMENT_IDThe ID of the deployment
CHALK_TEAM_IDThe ID of the team
CHALK_PROJECT_IDThe ID of the project
CHALK_ACTIVE_ENVIRONMENTThe id of the active environment (e.g. "9d0oj902")
CHALK_ENVIRONMENT_NAMEThe name of the active environment (e.g. "prod")