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  1. Workflows
  2. Debugging Queries

Online and offline queries can fuse data from multiple sources, and the structure of how data flows through queries can be complex. Chalk has a number of tools to help you debug queries. In this section, we’ll explore how to use these tools on a few simple features and resolvers.

First, we’ll define our feature classes. We’ll work with a User and a Transaction object, representing users performing financial transactions. In this scenario, we’ll write a simple aggregation that has a bug in its definition, and explore various ways to debug that issue.

from datetime import datetime
from chalk import features, has_many, DataFrame

class Transaction:
    id: int
    user_id: int
    amount: float
    ts: datetime

class User:
    id: int
    sum_transaction_amount: float
    transactions: DataFrame[Transaction] = has_many(lambda: Transaction.user_id ==

Then, we’ll define simple online resolvers to ingest user and transaction data from a postgres database:

-- (users.chalk.sql)
-- resolves: User
-- source: postgres

select id from users
-- (transactions.chalk.sql)
-- resolves: Transaction
-- source: postgres

select id, user_id, amount, ts from transactions

Next, we’ll write a simple (buggy) aggregation resolver to compute the sum of a user’s transactions:

from chalk import online

def sum_transaction_amount(txns: User.transaction[Transaction.amount]) -> User.sum_transaction_amount:
    return txns[Transaction.amount].count() # this 'count' is a bug! we'll debug it shortly.

Notice that we’ve defined this aggregation with a bug! We’re actually computing the count of the User’s Transactions, rather than the sum of their amounts.

Let’s run a query —

data = ChalkClient().query(input={ 1}, output=[User.sum_transaction_amount])


# Outputs 100!!

Whoops! Because we have prior knowledge of our data, we know that 100 is the wrong value for User 1s transaction sum. Let’s debug this issue.

Query Plan Visualizer

The query plan visualizer is a tool that allows you to see the structure of a query, and also inspect the data that flows through it.

To make full use of the query plan visualizer, we can re-execute the previous query with the store_plan_stages=True kwarg. This stores all of the data that passes through each stage of the query plan.

ChalkClient.query(input={ 1}, output=[User.sum_transactions], store_plan_stages=True)

# -or to debug multiple users at once-
ChalkClient.offline_query(input={ [1,2,3]}, output=[User.sum_transactions], store_plan_stages=True)

Then, we navigate to the ‘Queries’ tab in the web dashboard. Our query appear under the ‘Online’ or ‘Offline’ tab depending on which kind of query. Here we’ll take a look at the online query, and we can see the structure of the query:

Query Plan Visualizer

The query plan visualizer shows us the structure of the query. Note that the transaction resolver is executed to fetch the transactions for each user, and then the sum_transaction_amount resolver is executed to compute the sum.

We can also see the data that flows through the query. Clicking on the transaction resolver shows us the output of the resolver:

Transaction Output

Notice that the sum of the transaction amounts is definitely not 100! By inspecting the transaction.amount column we notice that the sum should be much larger. If we were paying attention, we’d probably notice that our (incorrect) output 100 happens to be identical to the count summary of the transaction resolver, which would be a good hint that our aggregation is actually computing the count of the transactions, rather than the sum of their amounts.

However, if we’re having a slow day and don’t notice that the aggregation happens to match the count, we have more tools we can use to debug. The next section will walk through how to execute the aggregation locally using the raw input data, so we can use a debugger.

(Note: the query plan visualizer UI displays the first 20 rows of each stage of the query plan in the preview areas. If you want to see more, click “Download data” to download the raw parquet file.)

Resolver Replay

Resolver execution can be examined using the Query Plan Visualizer, but Chalk also allows you to directly execute your resolver on your local computer using the same arguments that were used in your query.

To use the resolver_replay functionality:

  1. Run an offline_query with store_plan_stages=True to store the query plan stages, and recompute_features=True to allow resolver execution.
  2. On the returned dataset, call resolver_replay with your resolver function.


from chalk import ChalkClient

    input={ [1]},

This will execute the resolver locally, using the same input data that was used in the query. This allows you to debug using your IDE (vscode, pycharm, or even pdb):


You can edit the definition of the resolver locally, and re-run resolver_replay to see the results of your changes in your terminal or by stepping through with a debugger.

Using logs to debug

If you’re not able to use the query plan visualizer or resolver replay, you can also use the logs to debug your query. Use the chalk_logger from the chalk.clogging just like a standard python logger. This logger will output to the web interface, and to configured log sinks (i.e. your DataDog instance).

from chalk.clogging import chalk_logger

def sum_transaction_amount(txns: User.transaction[Transaction.amount]) -> User.sum_transaction_amount:"Transactions: {txns}")
    return txns[Transaction.amount].count() # this 'count' is a bug! we'll debug it shortly.

You can also view these logs using resolver_replay, where they will be emitted to your terminal:

Logs output example