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  1. Queries
  2. Authentication

Chalk implements OAuth for authentication to the online query interface. There are two kinds of credentials that can be used to access Chalk resources:

  • Personal Credentials: Full access to all resources on your account. This allows a client to act as you.
  • Service Credentials: Access scoped to a specific project and environment. Used for computers to talk to Chalk. Generated via the web dashboard.

Both personal and service credentials can be used to query Chalk, and potentially to modify your Chalk deployment’s settings. This means that these credentials are sensitive and must be kept secret.

You can create and manage service credentials in the Chalk dashboard or using the Chalk CLI. When you use the CLI to create credentials, you will be asked to authenticate yourself on Chalk’s web dashboard. Then, you will receive a client_id and client_secret. Once generated, client_id cannot be changed. However, client_secret can be rotated if your security practices require this or if you suspect that client_secret has been compromised.

Once you have generated your client_id and client_secret, you can proceed to make authenticated requests to Chalk.

Authenticating an API client

Chalk has published API client libraries for several languages. These libraries handle exchanging a client_id and client_secret for an access_token which can be used to access Chalk.

from chalk.client import ChalkClient

client = ChalkClient(client_id="...", client_secret="...")

    input={ "1",

Authenticating CURL

We recommend using the chalk cli tool to authenticate a curl request. You can use chalk token to acquire an access_token that is suitable for use as a Bearer token:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $(chalk token)" \

Fetching an Access Token

If you’re implementing a custom API client for a language that Chalk hasn’t published a library for, you may need to fetch an access_token using the OAuth Client Credentials grant flow. You can use the token endpoint in Chalk’s API to execute this flow:


Your client_id
Your client_secret
The grant_type field must always be "client_credentials".


The access_token that you should use in the Authorization header for authenticated requests.
Number of seconds until the access_token expires.
This field will always be "Bearer"

Creating a Service Token in the Dashboard

You can create a service token in the Chalk dashboard by navigating to the “Service Tokens” tab in the “Settings” page. You can then specify permissions for the token, as well as datasource and feature tags for datasource-based and feature-based RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), respectively.

Service Token Creation

Authenticating a Request Using an Access Token

Use the token obtained from the Client Credentials grant flow in the Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN> header that your client sends along all authenticated requests. For example:

curl -H "Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

will return a 200 response and a JSON object containing a short description of the requesting user. This is convenient for verifying that you are using a valid access_token.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

Use service credentials to limit your application’s access to specific data sources and features.

Data sources

For data sources, you can provide an allowlist of tags when creating the service credential. Your service credential will only be allowed to access data sources whose tags match your allowlist.


For features, Chalk expects a blocklist of tags. Features that match these tags will be excluded from computation. We make a distinction between features solely used to compute other features and features which are returned as query output. You can maintain separate blocklists for each of these types of features.