A collection of questions frequently asked by customers
The questions are sorted by category. Don’t see your question answered? Please reach out via your support channel and we will be happy to help!
The online store is intended to store features for low-latency retrieval in online query. Typically, the online store is implemented using Redis, DynamoDB, or (in some cases) Postgres.
The offline store is intended to store historical logs of all previously ingested or computed features. It is used to compute large historical training sets. It is typically implemented using BigQuery, Snowflake, or other data warehouses.
Yes! Within the dashboard you can assign roles with different permissions to different users. The default roles available are shown below.
Please reach out via your support channel and we’d be happy to walk you through how to get Chalk setup running on your cloud infrastructure!
Yes! You can set up Okta to automatically provision and deprovision Chalk users. For more information on how, see here.
You can configure secrets as environment variables in the Secrets
tab of Settings
in your Chalk dashboard, and
these secrets would then be available on the next deploy in the environments that you’ve specified, and on all
branches in those environments!
Yes! You can view all the features for all namespaces deployed in your environments, along with some metadata on recent activity and updates.
You can define versions for features if, for example, you are iterating on feature definitions. We’d recommend setting a default feature version for ensuring consistency across feature references. For more information, please see this tutorial on feature versions
Feature time is the time at which a feature was observed. By default, feature time is set to the feature’s resolver execution time. You can override feature time and may want to do so if you’re ingesting historical data. For more information on how feature times work, see our time documentation.
We recommend writing windowed features for aggregated computations over different time periods. You can define the different windows in terms of weeks, days, hours, minutes, or even seconds (weeks=“w”, days=“d”, hours=“h”, minutes=“m”, seconds=“s”). Under the hood, we normalize the time representations into durations in seconds, so you would have multiple syntactical options for accessing different windows for features. We recommend setting default values for windowed features in case there are windows with no events during the specified time period. Otherwise, you can write resolvers defining how your windowed features should be computed and pass windowed features as inputs into resolvers just like normal features!
Yes! In addition to streaming and scheduled bulk ingests of features, you can submit requests using
the upload_features
SDK endpoints to synchronously ingest features into the online or offline stores
using API clients.
Not much! The only difference is in which contexts the resolvers are executed. A few key scenarios:
, .query_bulk
, multi_query
), offline resolvers never execute..offline_query
), offline resolvers are preferred, taking precedence over online resolvers that compute the same
resolvers are permitted to execute@offline
is intended to be used for resolvers whose backing data sources are too slow or expensive
to fulfill online query requests — i.e. data warehouses or certain API sources, but
if your query
requests can tolerate the latency of one of these slow sources, you can mark resolvers
using those datasources @online
to query them on-the-fly.
On the other hand, if your query
requests can’t tolerate the latency of the underlying data store,
evaluate using scheduled ingestion or streaming resolvers in order to ensure that fresh
data is available in the online store.
Make use of tags=[...]
. If a resolver is marked with a tag
, it is only eligible to execute in
queries that have a matching tag. An even stricter variant of this concept is available with the
argument to query
and offline_query
which allows you to force all
resolvers to have a particular tag.
You can set cron schedules for your resolvers, which will be parsed in your local system’s timezone. You can also set customized timeouts for resolvers. Chalk currently has a max timeout of 18 hours for resolvers, but if this does not suit your needs, please reach out to us in your support channel with a description of your compute needs for your resolver!
The best way to check if your resolver is still running is to see if there are still resources provisioned to run
your resolver. For scheduled resolver runs, you can view an overview of Run History
as well as a view of Cloud
dedicated to scheduled resolver runs under the Runs
tab on the menu sidebar. For triggered resolver
runs, you can also find which pod is running your resolver on the run page. Finally, if you navigate to
Settings > Resources
you can view all pods currently running in your cluster, whether for resolver runs or
You can define resolvers with DataFrame inputs or outputs, which uses the
Chalk DataFrame structure. You can do some aggregations and projections
using the Chalk DataFrame, but you can also convert the Chalk DataFrames into Pandas or Polars using .to_pandas()
and .to_polars()
for more data manipulation.
We recommend creating a “root” feature class that models the interaction between the two entities — i.e. if need “customer” and “business” features for a transaction fraud model, you might create a class like this:
class AuthQuery:
id: str
A unique ID that represents this interaction; may be randomly generated if you have
no natural ID in your system.
customer_id: str
customer: Customer = has_one(lambda: == AuthQuery.customer_id)
A reference to the relevant customer.
business_id: str
business: Business = has_one(lambda: == AuthQuery.business_id)
A reference to the relevant business.
Then, queries can be submitted using:
input={ ..., AuthQuery.customer_id: ..., AuthQuery.business_id: ...
Use the .query_bulk
SDK method instead of .query
. For example, to query features for multiple Hospital
entities, you might use:
result = ChalkClient().query_bulk(
input={ [1,2,3,4,5]}
output=[Hospital.current_waiting_time, Hospital.has_trauma_bay, Hospital.has_er, Hospital.has_mri]
df = result[0].to_pandas()
The first thing to check is whether there is a pod in your cluster running your offline query. You can verify this
by viewing the pods running under Settings > Resources
. If you’re running an offline query from a notebook, then
the polling may timeout even if the offline query is still running, so the best way to verify the status of your
offline query is a combination of checking the query run in dashboard and the status of pods in the cluster. For more
visibility, you can also add the run_asynchronously=True
argument to ChalkClient.offline_query
to explicitly run
your offline query on an isolated worker so you can use the worker status as a query status.
You can query for random instances of a feature class by running an offline query and specifying the max_samples
parameter. For instance, running the example query below will sample ten random users from the User
feature class,
returning the features specified by the output parameters: [
, User.age
from chalk.client import ChalkClient
from datetime import datetime
from src.feature_sets import User
client = ChalkClient()
dataset = client.offline_query(
output=[,, User.age],
df = dataset.get_data_as_pandas()
We have default resource configurations for general environments.
You can modify the configuration for your project’s cloud resources by modifying the specs under
Settings > Resources > Advanced Resource Configuration
. You must hit Save and Apply Changes
in order for
your configuration changes to go through. If you are not sure how you should configure your cloud resources,
please reach out to us in your support channel!
You cannot currently suspend or delete branches, but stale branches do not consume resources, so there is no cost or performance impact from old branches.
See answers above under Resolvers
and Querying
If you are triggering a resolver run as part of an orchestrated pipeline, we usually see customers using the built-in sensors from the orchestrators (e.g. Airflow or Dagster) to poll for resolver completion. You can also customize this polling using an API to query run status. See here for an example of how to set up Airflow orchestration to trigger and poll a resolver run.
To get a glimpse of recently released features, take a look at our changelog!
Feel free to reach out to us with feature requests or questions about feature requests in your support channel!