Chalk home page
  1. Integrations
  2. Overview

Integrate any API or Data Source

Instead of complex ETL jobs and streaming pipelines, make direct calls to your data sources. Chalk makes it fast and easy to call external APIs, query production databases and data warehouses, or fetch parquet files from S3. Chalk orchestrates pipeline stages automatically to achieve maximum possible parallelism, and makes it easy to pre-compute + cache features when necessary.

Check out some of Chalk’s integrations:

  • SQL Integrations - Chalk has special support for SQLAlchemy and can push down filters into SQL queries for more efficient data fetching.
  • Custom Data Sources - Chalk offers extra optimizations for some data sources, but you don’t need Chalk to officially support a data source to use it!
  • Blob Storage - Read .csv and .parquet files in resolvers.
  • Dockerfile Base - Customize the base Docker image for your feature pipelines.
  • Pip Dependencies - Install extra dependencies with pip.