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  1. Time
  2. Batch Backfilling

Simple backfills from bulk sources

When ingesting historical feature data from bulk data sources (such as a data warehouse or S3), you can override feature time with timestamps from the data source. Chalk uses feature time to determine when a feature should be included in your point-in-time queries for consistency with production.

First, define a FeatureTime feature for the relevant feature class:

class User:
    id: int
    backfilled_feature: str
    ts: FeatureTime

Next, define a resolver to ingest data from your data source. Here’s an example of a SQL file resolver for ingesting data from Snowflake:

-- type: offline
-- resolves: user 
-- source: snowflake

SELECT id, backfilled_feature, updated_at AS ts FROM source_table

Chalk assumes your timestamp column is in UTC. You may return many values of backfilled_feature for the same id, but they should have different FeatureTime values.

Then, after running chalk apply, you can trigger this resolver to run once using the Chalk Dashboard or the chalk trigger command:

chalk trigger --resolver your.module.path.ingest_historical_data

You must manually trigger the resolver because it has no cron schedule specified.

Once your resolver run completes, your data will be available in the offline store with effective times specified by the values returned for the FeatureTime (in this example, updated_at from source_table). If the feature tolerates staleness and etl_offline_to_online=True, then Chalk will also insert feature values into the online store if they are newer than existing values.

Re-ingesting incremental resolvers

Resolvers that use incremental ingestion don’t re-process data from before their “max observed timestamp” by default, even if the query is changed.

Chalk lets you reset the maximum observed timestamp of incremental resolvers to a specific timestamp, or re-ingest all historical data.

Chalk uses offline queries to perform this operation. Suppose you want to add a new column, favorite_color, to this existing batch SQL resolver:

-- type: offline
-- resolves: user
-- source: snowflake
-- cron: "0 * * * *"
-- incremental:
--   incremental_column: updated_at
SELECT id, favorite_food, favorite_color, updated_at FROM preferences

If you have been running this resolver in production for a long time, then simply adding favorite_color and running chalk apply will not ingest historical color preferences because the incremental timestamp lower bound will prevent the query from returning “old” rows which include these historical favorite_color observations.

Instead, run an offline query to obtain a Dataset of the feature values you want to ingest and then call .ingest to either store online or offline.

from chalk.client import ChalkClient

dataset = ChalkClient().offline_query(
    input={ [i for i in range(1000)],


Backfilling Python resolvers

Chalk can also backfill feature data for resolvers that take arguments to compute feature values. This is useful for generating historically accurate training datasets using new resolvers that are derived from features where we have historical observations.

Suppose we have the following feature class:

class User:
    id: int
    name: str

    reversed_name: str # a feature we want to backfill

with the following newly added resolver:

def reverse_name(name: -> User.reversed_name:
    return name[::-1]

Chalk can automatically compute this feature using historically observed values of To do so, you can either use an offline query with recompute_features=True and ingest the computed feature values as we did above. Alternatively, you can use chalk trigger to trigger a resolver run:

chalk trigger --resolver your.module.path.reverse_name --lower-bound 2024-05-05T12:00:00+00:00 --persist-offline=True

In this example, Chalk will query the offline store to sample all combinations of,, and the corresponding FeatureTime for which FeatureTime is later than the ISO8601 timestamp passed in as the lower_bound. For each sample, Chalk will invoke your resolver and write the results back to the offline store. Chalk will also update the online store if the new feature is marked with non-zero max_staleness and etl_offline_to_online=True.