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  1. Testing
  2. GitHub Actions

Chalk provides official support for GitHub Actions. You can install the Chalk CLI and create deployments (preview and production) from pre-built GitHub Actions.

Installing the Chalk CLI

You will need to create a Chalk token from the settings page of your dashboard and store the resulting client id and secret as GitHub Secrets.

This step supports the following inputs:

  • client-id: The Chalk Client ID from the tokens page in your settings.
  • client-secret: The Chalk Client Secret from the tokens page in your settings.
  • version (optional): The version of chalk to install, defaulting to latest.
  • api-host (optional): If you’re using a self-hosted deployment, the API host where Chalk is hosted.
  • environment (optional): The Chalk environment to use. Your token is typically scoped to a single environment, and you won’t need to use this parameter.


- uses: chalk-ai/cli-action@v2
    client-id: ${{secrets.CHALK_CLIENT_ID}}
    client-secret: ${{secrets.CHALK_CLIENT_SECRET}}
    # Optional: Version of the Chalk CLI to install. Defaults to `latest`
    version: latest
    # Optional: Environment to use. Optional for environment-scoped tokens.
    environment: <environment id>
    # Optional: Used for Hybrid Cloud deployments

For more information, see the chalk-ai/cli-action on the GitHub Marketplace, or see a complete example at chalk-ai/examples.

Deploying to Chalk

You can deploy to Chalk by first installing the CLI, as in the section above. Or, you can use the chalk-ai/deploy-action step. This step supports the following inputs:

  • client-id: The Chalk Client ID from the tokens page in your settings.
  • client-secret: The Chalk Client Secret from the tokens page in your settings.
  • branch (optional): By default, Chalk will deploy to your production environment. With branch, your pipelines will deploy to a Chalk branch.
  • await (optional): Should this step block until it completes? Defaults to true.
  • version (optional): The version of chalk to install, defaulting to latest.
  • api-host (optional): If you’re using a self-hosted deployment, the API host where Chalk is hosted.
  • environment (optional): The Chalk environment to use. Your token is typically scoped to a single environment, and you won’t need to use this parameter.


- uses: chalk-ai/deploy-action@v2
    client-id: ${{secrets.CHALK_CLIENT_ID}}
    client-secret: ${{secrets.CHALK_CLIENT_SECRET}}
    # Optional: Version of the Chalk CLI to install. Defaults to `latest`
    version: latest
    # Optional: Environment to use. Optional for environment-scoped tokens.
    environment: <environment id>
    # Optional: Used for Hybrid Cloud deployments